Tuesday 26 May 2015

Rudder Pedals - Part 3

Set out second bearing location

The set-out was squared from the inside face of the longeron, with the location of the first pedal assembly determined as outline in Part 2.

The first set of rear pedals were assembled and fixed to the connecting rod. The pedal was positioned in a vertical position while ensuring the front pedal were in their correct position. Once the correct location was determined the location of each mounting point was marked and M5 riv-nuts installed [refer note below]

Rear Pedals set out

The position of the first pedal was transferred to the opposite side using the longeron as the set-out again and the same technique applied to locate the other axis.

Insert - refer builder note below

Both pedals were fully assembled and installed with M6 X 75 Unbrako cap head screws to secure the bearing blocks. All bolt threads were cut to project 2 - 3 thread from the end of the -nut to save weight. 

Modifications - refer disclaimer
The rod end mounts for the rear pedals were trimmed 20 mm to open up clearance to the side of the seats - this was a personal decision. 

Builder Notes
Accurate installation of the riv-nuts is critical as the bearing blocks offer no clearance. Each hole was drilled 5 mm then bolted. The next hole is drilled at the opposite block, bolted and then repeated at each location, then all the bolts were removed and riv-nuts installed. This was important as as each bolt is installed any clearance is lost.

A error was made and that hole had to be drilled oversize, plated, drilled a riv-nut installed then the cavity was filled with Loctite aluminium epoxy and dressed smooth

The other item is that the bearing blocks should be kept as matched sets, this builder failed to do this and dose know better. It can be sorted out BUT creates a Chinese puzzle with decreasing options as the parts are used up = lost time.

Factory procedure - recommended

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