Fully cleco the skin back into position ensuring the the lower skin of the baggage compartment over laps this skin. With this done remove the starboard lower skin and placed with the port side - these require trimming before re-installation.
If the belly skins have been fitted this is the LAST practical chance to install all the necessary cables for the elevator trim and antenna cables unless you are in possession of a very well trained ferret..!

This builder located the front mounting hole on the first rivet behind bulkhead eight [8] and then taped the template into its correct position then all holes drilled. The three [3] rivets that the antenna base covers were installed, checked and the effected area primed.
The antenna was installed with a small but practical modification. The short screws supplied are impossible to engage in a practical sense from the underside of the skin. Studs 30 mm long were fabricated from donor screws and screwed into the base of the antenna. The two [2] center line studs had a star washer - light aluminium washer and a half nylock nut for fixing.

Note: Due to the curve of the turtle deck an aluminum spacer was sourced from Pro Bolt [shown opposite] The cups are installed inverted too as shown and profiled to suit. The cup area was filled with sealant to ensure a tight seal with the skin
The trim cable is a 5 core cable for the MAC trim motor and was sourced with the antenna cable from aircraft spruce. The cables were secured to the side of the bulkheads using nylon clamps and large head pop washers.
Helpful EAA video related to required task is listed below:
Installing Antenna
Helpful EAA video related to required task is listed below:
Installing Antenna
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