Tuesday 16 June 2015

Rudder Stab - Part 2

It was pointed out to me by Franco from Flying Legend that the first third of the rudder and elevator stabs are to be flush riveted. This had been missed at the assembly of the rudder stab and it was intended to leave it that way, however the inclusion of a beacon on the top of the fin lead to a rethink.

Rudder Stab
To provide a route for the beacon wiring the stab the leading edge was the most suitable route with the option to flush rivet only requiring de-riveting it would be possible to kill two birds with one stone.

Once removed the fin and ribs were dimpled using the same tool & technique used on the elevator stab. Dimpling was added to each hole up to the but not including the front spar. 

Two [2] 20 gauge wires were run up the face of the stab using a series of 1/2'' flared holes added using a hole saw and flaring tool as used on the side covers. The cable's were inserted in a nylon web cover located using nylon saddles and riveted to aluminium angles folded from 0.020'' aluminium.

The front nose was reinstalled, clecoed after a final check re fixed using countersunk rivets. 

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